Hey guys it's Jess!
Now I went and saw The Lone Ranger yesterday with one of my all time favourite people. When watching this film it had 2 of my absolute most hated fears and I thought that this would be a great opportunity to get to know each other (me in particular) through our fears.
Let's Begin!
Fear 1.
Crows! I am absolutely afraid of crows. Now let me tell you there is no real reason behind this phobia of mine it's just there. I don't even think I've had it for very long but just the thought of these birds makes me skwrim. I once was almost in tears trying to get to my class for university because there was a crow in the corridor (my friend actually thought I was waiting for her, I was not. [opps]). Like I just cannot stand them.
Also The Lone Ranger has like this one main crow in it and at the very beginning it likes comes to life and I like piss myself because it's like jumping at me and I want to die rather than sit through this movie and my friend had brought someone along (I have met her but only once) and she was like 'What?' and my friend had to tell her how s&*! scared I am of them and you just hear her laugh throughout the cinema (it was terrifying).
Fear 2.
Blood in mouths! Ok this isn't really like I'm afraid of it I just find it really disgusting (so I mean we picked a perfect movie for Jess to see). As you know I am studying to be a teacher qualifying in Early Childhood, which means I do come across a lot of loose teeth in my profession and with loose teeth brings blood in mouths. I don't know WHAT it is about this but I just cannot really deal with it. Usually when they come up to me I have to send them to wash their mouths out before I even think about dealing with the tooth situation.
Fear 3.
Dead Animals. When I was about 12 we had 3 birds in a cage down the back of my house. One day I went to see the birds because my dog was jumping and barking at it (by this stage 1 had flown away and 1 had died) so I went down to see what was the problem and there looking at me was this dead bird. I freaked out and almost threw up! I had to go tell my parents that this bird was dead and they were trying to tell me to take it out and put it in a plastic bag (the thought of this story is making me want to puke!) I just said to them I couldn't. When asked why I told them I'm afraid of dead animals and their response was you sit on dead animals all the time, you eat dead animals at dinner. So to clarify because you are probably thinking the same as my parents, I can't handle the fully like formed dead animals like the one in the photograph (I had to wait until I had finished typing this whole blog to actually put the photo up).
Fear 4.
The dark. A lot of the people I know, know I am afraid of the dark and as I'm getting older I'm realising it's not so much the dark it's what may be in the dark that I am afraid of. At the moment I've been doing fine but I figure it comes it loads. When I watch shows on murder or kidnapping (which is actually a favourite past time of mine) I seem to have a lot more difficulty with the dark than I would have in the times I don't watch/read about those things.
So there is just four of my biggest fears! I have like 2 other blogs on the backburner but didn't know how to write about the topics so hopefully one of them will be up next week. (Spoiler alert!!! One is about boy bands! How cools is that (;).
Have a fantastic week.
See you next week!
My song on repeat this week:
One Direction - I would