Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Welcome Back!

Why hello there! I feel like I should introduce myself again, since I've been away for so long. It's Jess by the way. 

Now let me begin by telling you I am so sorry! I have been thinking of you and thinking of starting again but there's been so much I have been doing lately. Let me start with the 2 most important things:

1. I am a graduate of university! As of October 28th I graduated!
2. I am now an adult in every country. 

Since those two things have been confirmed let me begin my ramblings of what I've been doing over the past 3 (wow it's been that long) months. 

September saw my final university days. Me becoming what I have been studying for, for the past four years. I finally finished and with a good GPA and comments too! 
You'd think by the amount I wrote in this month that I would have had time but believe me, prepping and organising is a hard thing to do while thinking of things to blog about. 

Ok, so let me start by saying I could have probably blogged in this month but thinking of things to write about was difficult especially after a month away! 
October saw me deal with the stress of job hunting and sitting a house with limited money in the bank. 
I could have you know started blogging again, but since I wasn't doing anything I really had nothing to blog about. 

Now November is always a big month for me (my birthday!). So the month started with birthday celebrations (since I am now 21). My parents booked a trip last year to go to the Melbourne Cup, since this fell on the exact day of my birthday. Not only did we have that one day we had a whole week! It was great just to get away for a while you know?

I promise once I get all the photos my mother took on her camera I will make a post about Melbourne.
Tram Car dinner

I have now been home a week and had a lot on my plate. But just on the weekend I went to celebrate my 21st with my friends and I must say it was a wonderful night. 
(I apologize in advance for quality of photos.)

I promise I will be back soon with another post! There's no doubt about it because I miss it! 

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