Sunday, 1 June 2014

University, Work, Friends & Blogging.

Why hello there!

What a hectic two weeks it has been. I'm am incredibly sorry that I have not uploaded anything over these past couple of weeks. Let me start with the obvious (which I stated at the end of my last blog). 

My friend has been having a super hard time lately and I have really needed to be there for her as stress of university and life has been controlling the both of us. To spend so much time with someone you love is so incredibly wonderful. Always remember to tell people in your life how much you love them, because sometimes it might be your last. 

Again, university. Being a final year student is harder than I thought! I kinda thought I could just blow this year by without working my butt off. Well that was a (not) well thought out plan. I go to prac for 3 weeks and each afternoon, I go to work (I am so tired). This is why my Wayback Wednesday series is put on hold for now. It should be back in about 2 weeks, but that could change. There is a four day weekend in a few weeks which I am hoping to write a whole lot of posts for you, so all I have to do is press that little publish button. 

I hope you can all stick with me and I will be back as full as ever in no time (I promise). 

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